Not thoroughly researching the schedule and SINs (Special Item Numbers) that best align with your company’s products or services.
Not providing detailed and accurate pricing information.
Failing to address all of the evaluation criteria listed in the solicitation.
Not adequately describing your company’s past performance and experience.
Not including all required forms and documents in the proposal package.
Not thoroughly reviewing and proofreading the proposal before submitting it.
Not properly addressing any potential conflicts of interest.
Not following all of the solicitation’s instructions and guidelines for formatting and submitting the proposal.
Not clearly demonstrating how your company’s products or services meet the government’s needs and requirements. This includes not providing enough technical information or not demonstrating a strong understanding of the scope of work.
Not having a clear and compelling corporate capability statement. This statement should highlight your company’s strengths and demonstrate how you are uniquely qualified to perform the work described in the solicitation.
Not having a clear and concise management plan. This plan should demonstrate your company’s ability to manage the project, including timelines, milestones, and deliverables.
Not having a clear and realistic pricing strategy. Your pricing should be based on market research, competition and the cost of your goods and services.
Not having a good teaming agreement with a partner if you are submitting a proposal as a joint venture or a team.
Not having a good understanding of the procurement process and the evaluation criteria that will be used to evaluate your proposal. This can help you craft a proposal that is tailored to the government’s needs and will be more likely to be successful.
Not having a good understanding of the terms and conditions of the GSA Schedule contract. This will help you understand the obligations and responsibilities that come with being awarded a GSA Schedule contract.