/ Do I Qualify For A GSA/VA Contract?Δ Updates Has your company been in business at least one year? Yes NoIf you answered 'No', can you show that you have been in this line of work for more than 2 years? Yes NoDo you have a verifiable accounting system? Your current ratio should be at least 1:1 Please calculate it for me Yes NoTotal AssetsTotal LiabilitiesFinancial RatioWould you be willing to make the Federal Government your Most Favored Customer (provide your best discounts and terms)? Yes NoDoes your company have at least six past performance references within the past three years? Yes NoCan you document past sales practices through invoices, product or labor rate sheets, proposals, internal pricing policies or similar documentation? Yes NoAre you a services firm? Yes NoDo you have written job descriptions, quality control plans, and employment and compensation policies? Yes NoAre you a reseller? Yes NoCan you obtain a letter of supply authorizing you to sell products? Yes NoDo you have a federal sale pending? Yes NoHave any officers or directors been convicted of contractor violations in the past 3 years? Yes NoDo you accept credit cards? Yes NoWould you like a free discovery call to discuss your business? Yes NoSchedule a Discovery CallSubmit